Journal Prompts for Peace

Finding peace is a lifelong journey, but that doesn't mean it has to be hard work all the time. Sometimes, remembering times of peace we've experienced in the past is enough to bring us peace in the present moment.

In the last few years, I’ve been soothing my nervous system, finding peace, and getting comfortable with the change of pace. Prior to Hiking My Feelings, and for the first few years of this journey, my life was very full and didn't allow adequate space for processing and integrating life’s events. Along the way, reflecting on these questions and identifying times in my life where I have found peace and satisfaction with what is have been an important part of my practice.

So if you're feeling a bit untethered, here are some prompts to meditate/journal on to help you get acquainted with the feeling instead of numbing it or avoiding it:

  1. Make a list of all the times you can remember feeling satisfied. What does satisfaction feel like in your body?

  2. Think back to a time where you felt peace. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? Remember that moment or chapter of your life with as much detail as possible.

  3. What can I do today to cultivate peace?

💚 Feel free to share your answers in the comments, your practice might be a light in the dark for someone struggling today. If you aren't comfortable sharing publicly, we invite you to join our private social network and contribute to the conversation:

Ready to turn this into a mindfulness exercise in the outdoors? Download our Trail Thoughts worksheets below and bring them with you on a hike!

When we open up space for journaling in our community programs and events, we like to put on this playlist featuring some of our favorite artists. It’s curated to help you dig deep and come out of the reflection time feeling on top of the world!

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