Our Commitment to Social Responsibility

Hi Fam,

Within our community, membership spaces, programs, and in-person events, we have a zero tolerance policy for racist, misogynistic, homophobic, fatphobic, ____________ (insert all the hateful phobias and -isms here) behaviors around these parts.

That being said, we are all humans and we can hurt each other unknowingly - for which we will do our best to facilitate space to work through our independent unlearning.

We trust that you know the difference between right and wrong and accountability is crucial to the work we do. If you feel called to speak up and you’re worried about posting or saying something, feel free to reach out to a facilitator for a gut check and an opportunity to learn. Impact > Intent, Always.

Emotional and physical safety of our community members is our top priority.

Every day, we reaffirm our commitment to creating spaces where any and all adventurers can find connection, support, and resources on their healing journeys. 

To be crystal clear: there is no room for white supremacy in the spaces we facilitate - virtually or in person.

Upcoming Events


Diabetes and COVID-19


The Outdoor Type: Paul Reid