Journal Prompts for Loneliness

In the last few years, I’ve been examining my loneliness and getting comfortable with it. Along the way, reflecting on these questions and understanding the difference between loneliness/emptiness and spaciousness have been an important part of my practice.

So if you're feeling lonely*, here are some prompts to meditate/journal on to help you get acquainted with the feeling instead of numbing it or avoiding it:

  1. What does loneliness feel like in my body?

  2. How much of my loneliness is:

    • EXTERNAL: lack of meaningful connection with other people

    • INTERNAL: lack of meaningful connection with myself

  3. What can I do today to understand my loneliness?

*It's also entirely possible that loneliness feels like emptiness which can be confused with spaciousness. If you've recently achieved a big goal, finished a project or established a boundary that has you feeling some kind of way, that discomfort could be coming from the space that you've cleared. You might think you're experiencing loneliness but you might just have a lot of room for a something new to manifest. If that's the case, thank your brain for trying to protect you from loneliness and go have a happy dance - epic things are headed your way!

💚 Feel free to share your answers in the comments, your practice might be a light in the dark for someone struggling today.

When we open up space for journaling in our community programs and events, we like to put on this playlist featuring some of our favorite artists. It’s curated to help you dig deep and come out of the reflection time feeling on top of the world!

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